START your Dynamic Listbuilding Today with the Revolutionary FB OPTIN APPLICATION
Starting at  ONLY $10  for  2   3 FBOPTIN APP links to add to your static website splash page or Blog, the FB OPTIN APP SOLUTION is here.
I will set THREE  links up for you through my own Facebook & Wordpress  - YOU personally don't even need Wordpress or Facebook Accounts- and after utilising the information supplied by you, you just add the html code provided and you have your FB OPTIN APP running instantly.  

 In order to complete your order for the FB Optin App Solution  just sign up below for access

Original Video from Todd
Revolutionary New Software Siphons Active, Verified Emails From Facebook!
Since this video, the FB Optin App has gone through a number of radical changes through its stages of development. Both Facebook and Wordpress are the key ingredients for this new Application.
Todd & Derrick have ceased selling this Application hence it is left to the reseller licence holders and the developers' licence holders to fly the flag for the revolutionary FB Optin App.

I personally have 35 "Connect to Facebook" links online as at the 4th Febeuary 2013.
Don't forget- I do all the work- you just send me the details.
If using the FB Optin App to apply you will need to have a Facebook Account that you will need to log into and allow the App. There should be no problems but if for some unknown reason you should encounter any just email me at this address.
Skype @ mjming81
If Video grinds to a halt go here to the mp4
(Opens in a new window)